Danger Skate

The Danger Skate is a self-propulsion board designed for kids. I've photographed the process of making the prototype which consists of a wooden board and 3D printed components. 

The board was made using ash for it ability to bend without splitting. I cut the ash into thin veneers about 3mm in depth, and glued them together using Cascamite wood glue. The piece was then put into the curved jig which I had constructed previously and was clamped into place to set.

I then drew a template for the size of the board and used it to shape the board to the desired shape. Once the board was cut to size and sanded I created a logo on Adobe Illustrator and laser engraved this onto the back of the board. I then finished the ash with linseed oil.

Once the board was finished, the board could be assembled. Other components were 3D printed by team members and everything was put together. Our project ended in a really clean and professional looking board, with the 3D printed parts blending to the ash beautifully.

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